Monday, March 9, 2009


Is Indian GIS story still on? I have no doubts!!! As always, I am extremely bullish about the future of GIS in India.. In the last 2 years, I have been fortunate to have interacted with some extremely talented GIS professionals and "GIS" entrepreneurs. Almost every one echoes my view!!!

Tope story in today's edition of Economic Times reads "Spreading CHEERS - INDIAN ARMS BRIGHTEN UP MNC STORY"

"INDIAN subsidiaries, relatively minor cogs in the wheels of large multinational companies till 2007, have emerged crucial profit generators, as earnings in developed western markets tumble amid the worst economic downturn in a generation. 

Barring a few exceptions, the locally-listed units of companies such as ABB, Glaxo, Siemens, Cummins, Oracle, Suzuki, Whirlpool, Nestle and Areva have increased their contribution to the global consolidated earnings as growth remains robust across various sectors of Indian industry.

 Significantly, this has happened despite a sharp depreciation of the rupee against major international currencies in the past one year, which tends to depress earnings in dollar terms as the dollar value of the subsidiary’s contribution is lower after currency conversion. Had this not happened, the contribution of these Indian units would have been much higher”

So how’s Indian arm of ESRI, Liaca, Intergraph, Autodesk, Bentley, Pitney Bowes etc doing in India? It’s anybody’s guess.


  • What’s different between Indian an ROW (Rest of World)?
  • What are the “facts” and “figures” behind this growth story?
  • Where’s the money being spent? And who’s chasing this money?
  • How’s technology driving the changes here in India?
  • How’s the landscape of Indian GIS industry is changing? Believe you me – it’s changing at a very fast pace!!
  • Has Navteq and TeleAtlas made any impact as yet Indian GIS market? How still CE (MapmyIndia) and Satnav bullish about pumping money into content development?


Stay tunes to hear from me… this time I will convert my “wish” into a “will” to write and I will!!!


Manoj Misra


Unknown said...

Hi Manoj.

Indian GIS Industry now as per me is going in 1st Gear . Recently been to Mapworld Conference at Hyderabad..

Last year Mapworld conference There were Autodesk & Bentley Stall's setup and this year both these were missing..

Hopefully by the Last quarter of 09 & the 1st quarter of 2010 we can expect Indian GIS move to 5th Gear..

Read a Caption about US economy Impact especially on financial websites and some of my stock broker friends.. "IF US Catches Cold , India Sneezes" Hopefully this is not applicable to INDIAN GIS..


JBENKAL said...

Hi Manoj,
Intellects like you are rare breed.
Your article has intiated thought process in my mind.
With the cut throat competition between the Indian companies and the MNC's entering the Industry would remind the Darwin's theory for survival. I would like to know,
where do you find the Indian Geospatial Industry leading to?

What would be the corporate strategies and competitve advantage make any company successful?

Manoj Misra said...

Jbenkal: Thanks for the compliment.

I will only say that Indian Geospatial Industry has an exceptionally bright future. But as you guessed it correctly, the best will evolve and survive!


Deflation/Inflation- Dollar/Gold said...

Hello Manoj

Long time. It is good that you are still involved with the GIS business. I have seen multiple companies like Navteq and Teleatlas expanding in India like never before.
My question is will the coming Tsunami in the financial world crack the back of this industry?
My assumption is the stcok markets that have picked upo recently will water down to unthinkable levels in the next year. US will probably declare bankrupcy and so will many European nations. The reality will come forward begining next quarter once the effects of the bailout drugs in the US subsidizes.
Lets pray for everyone.
Do you think GIS industry in India will be able to survive what I discussed?


Manoj Misra said...

Tushar who? I am FULLY involved with GIS business. Even at AUGTICS, GIS is one of the core technologies that we use! But here we are a GIS user! And not a GIS service provider. Where's the question of going away from it!!! It was a position taken to take a different DIFFERENT look!!!

GIS helps in making business systems efficient and improving productivity. And in todays economic scenario, that's what you need!!! So GIS will not just survive the current crisis (as discussed by you) but help in geeting out of it!!

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