Saturday, May 21, 2011

R-APDRP - Will it succeed?

R-APDRP is one of the key projects that has consumed lot of "discussion time" amongst GIS professional in India. Even on my blog, you are finding it's mention again and again!!

I found this very interesting student paper where Ambuj Lal has done a "Review of APDRP and RAPDRP"

Ambuj has made very interesting & relevant comment: "If R-APDRP fails and most likely, it will, the failure would squarely rest on MoP and the PFC, who have goofed up the entire execution, stating that if we give utilities the right to think and act on their own, the projects will fail. PGCIL which was the earlier consultant failed in APDRP-I. A set of 5-6 consultant panels in APDRP-II or R-APDRP also has not had much success. In essence then, the reason for the failure of R-APDRP would be attributed to the wrong strategy and approach of MoP and PFC both on technical and contractual issues and empaneling of vendors and the confusing specifications that has been made, with no teeth to consultant, resulting in all Utilities facing the dire consequences of grant becoming loan, and thereby eroding their already weak financial position"

While Ambuj Lal's paper clearly indicates that he has done extensive study and analysis to draw final conclusions, several other seasoned professionals have also drawn their "conclusions" on why with R-APDRP fail. Fact is that almost everyone is "struggling" and more often then once, there is specific mention of "GIS" as one of the key contributing factors for failures of R-APDRP.

But let me ask you - what do you think is required to make R-APDRP (and more specifically GIS survey) successful?


PS: I strongly believe that the current situation can be turned around. What it needs is for us to focus on how can it be corrected then on why will it fail!! This is an exceptional opportunity for GIS industry to develop additional skill sets and position itself for a brighter future!


Mahendra Kadam said...

Utilities need to understand final outcome of R-APDRP project and should concentrate on key factors, instead of being strict on SRS specifications.

Software vendors needs to create systems and processes which will improve existing processes of utilities ( most important is either integration with all old systems of utilities or complete replacement of old systems).

Habit of software vendors to DUMP software and hardwares in India which stocks useless shall be corrected and GIS system which is central data repository shall be fully customized to utility requirements.

Burdening utility people with system updating and maintaining international standard GIS system wont work effectively and will be scrap after 5 years.

Mahesh Selvanathan said...

Manoj, I don't think R-APDRP would be a failed mission. Yes, there are certian short comings and with learnings that each and every company involved is gaining, I am pretty sure the situation would be turn around. Having said this, the only draw back would the time frame which was thought in the begining. This is something has its own say. With more focus and not repeating the mistakes from all the stakeholders will definetely give postive results.

JLT said...

I think the bottleneck lies with the transitioning from the old to the new. Most of the distribution sector and transmission is undergoing upgradation or renewal. These transformations need to built in to the system but for an effective software or intelligence in network, ground level data accuracy is important. Personally for me, more than technological roadblock its the human resource from th GIS world/software world who can understand the rawness of electricity sector.

Swatantra Sharma said...

I think we have to put more attention on GIS part of R-APDRP,because it is the more critical part of this project.Survying has to be done in very accurate manner.

Unknown said...

First I appreciate the dedication,who are working in this project.
Although it is a tough project.Tough in the sense of field work.We need to do more deep field work to success this project.But it will be success and it will be a memorable project.
History repeats it self.
Remember about I.T. sector in Rajeev Gandhi's time and result every one knows.
same will happen again.
But we need to work hard.

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